2018. december 29., szombat

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2018. december 28., péntek

Highest Google Adsense Earners in the World

January 25, 2019

4 min read

I have seen many questions on social networking sites like

Who is the top Adsense earner?

Who makes the massive amount online?

How much they earn online?

How much Google Adsense pays?

For a lot of people, blogging has become a primary source of revenue. If you are reading this, I bet you are one of the bloggers, willing to know about the highest Adsense earners. Making money has never been an easy job for them and never will be. They got succeeded in their job because of their hard work and clever mind.

First of all, I want to tell you they all have some informational content published on World Wide Web. They all are earning from blog or websites by monetizing Google Adsense (one of the highest paying online network) or other advertising network. The listed sites are really inspiring for all of you, and more inspirational are the men behind these websites. We are presenting some of the huge websites that are making massive amount of money using Adesnse.

Note: It’s just an estimate based on total page-views CPC, and unique visitors. And since their website’s ranking/traffic changes every month, these earnings are not fixed.

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We have been awarded by Google DNI (Digital News Innovation Fund), a European programme part of the Google News Initiative, an effort to help journalism thrive in the digital age.